@ribbet9 Our middle son had an iguana until we moved to Saudi. We had a fantastic vet who took him AND our albino rat snake. We all had so much fun learning about their personalities and habitat.
@maggiemae Thank you! He was in the burn pile at the bottom of the garden. Our gardener nabbed him before the flames took hold of that section.
@helenhall Thank you very much! I was amazed at how quickly it changed.
@maggiemae Thank you! He was in the burn pile at the bottom of the garden. Our gardener nabbed him before the flames took hold of that section.
@helenhall Thank you very much! I was amazed at how quickly it changed.
@moviegal1 Thank you so much!
@joysabin Thank you! I thought he was so cute because he was so small.
@domenicododaro Thank you!
@kwind Thank you very much! I also liked the color.
@brett101 Our boys had an iguana and snake but always wanted a chameleon.
@laetitiapetrussa Thank you so much!