"I've got this thing that I consider my only art
of fucking people over..."
This song played on my iPod randomly yesterday as I sat alone at my dining table, eating. Husband was at work. Suddenly I was moved to tears as I listened to the lyrics. I had a...weird day yesterday. Too many complex thoughts to articulate, all of them too personal to share here but I felt compelled to write something about it. I have a feeling I need to remember this.
Baby cum angels fly around you
reminding you
we used to be three
and not just two
And that's how the world began
And that's how the world will end
There's something going on and it's not happening to me -- but I'm on the sidelines in a way and it has had an unexpected effect on me. The above lines in the song are what started to make me cry. For some reason, it stirred something deep inside me. I know what feelings and thoughts it triggered about things I don't know if I even want as part of my life plan, but I suppose the details are irrelevant to anyone else but me.
The last time I cried like this was when I was with the BF I dated before I started dating my husband. The deal was - I was developing an emotional bond with him while dating that ex-BF. Playing emotional footsie, if you will. (please spare judgement). I'll admit it was kinda fun and exciting but mostly...just emotionally overwhelming. It's not fun feeling like you might be in love with two people at the same time. I remember he made it clear to me that he wanted to be with me but, as long as I had a boyfriend, he was going to move on.
And move on, he did. I remember when he told me
he had found someone. That night I had gone to my boyfriend's apartment for dinner, slept with him in his bed like everything was normal. I woke up later that night...and just started bawling...thinking about another man, feeling like I had lost the love of my life...feeling guilty as hell. The BF woke up, alarmed to see me like that, asking what was wrong, offering help like the kind and sweet man he was.
I remember saying to him, "Please just let me cry and don't ask me why." And he did. I didn't even want to be held. Somehow he knew this and just sat there quietly while I cried.
Last night's tears held a similar kind of pain but for a totally different circumstance. Yeah maybe I'm just fucking weird...
Can your heart break for something that doesn't exist, doesn't belong to you, isn't meant to be? I've pondered this before.
I don't know. I don't know anything. I've written a bunch without saying much that makes sense to anyone but me. But I suppose I'll file this away, learn from it, grow...
Don't read this. Half of you won't. Those of you who do, thanks for wandering through my thoughts with me...
(pic taken 7/22/14 but posted for 7/20/14 because Sundays are for selfies)
@soboy5 hi, Danny! You're so right. Love is powerful. So is loss. So is desire...
@zosimasy Well for saying that you "suck at words", I liked your comment. I really don't expect anyone to know what to say or say anything at all. Just happy that they acknowledge whenever they do. Thanks for reading. :)
Ignore all that, just the wanderings of an addled brain.
Love the selfie.