Retire, they say, it'll be relaxing..... by homeschoolmom

Retire, they say, it'll be relaxing.....

My husband officially retired from the Army May 31. He starts his new job July 1. So he's got the whole month of June off to enjoy himself. So, what does he do? The most stressful thing he can find to do, DIY projects around the house. He is not a DIY kind of a guy. Thank goodness our younger son is. They are currently walling in our loft to make my hubby an office. To get to this point, we've practically had to rearrange the whole house. From the shed to the garage to the loft. Still have to move his office from our bedroom to the loft/office, my quilting/scrapbooking stuff up to our bedroom, and the loft TV/game system down to the family room where my stuff was. It's a gigantic chain reaction of work.
Sounds like your family is going to be busy for a month. Hope you get a little time to relax before his new job. Like the way you chronicled the project so far.
June 8th, 2019  
When you first retire it is hard to relax. I was looking for a part-time job and just couldn't wait to find one. And for someone like him who comes from a disciplined field and waiting to start a new career I am sure he needs to keep his mind fully occupied.
June 8th, 2019  
@shutterbug49 The last two weeks of June, he and the boys are going to a Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in New Mexico for 2 weeks of hiking. I'm not sure that hiking 58 miles in high altitude is relaxing, but it's the main reason why he didn't start his new job in June.
June 8th, 2019  
@joansmor While he is not a DIY fan, he also cannot sit still for very long. He has to keep busy. Always has.
June 8th, 2019  
A super collage of them at work
June 8th, 2019  
Fabulous collage!
June 8th, 2019  
how about doing a stillife with the tools, try to think about backgrounds and lighting for low-key , and if you have the programs that can do it, add a texture layer. i think even picmonkey can do something like that
June 8th, 2019  
I like how he's allowing your son to help him as more than an assistant. Enjoy it while you can and get anything done you need done, because after he starts to work again....
Seems like anything I do anymore requires a chain reaction. I feel like my life has turned into a sliding puzzle where the numbers are tiles that have to be moved around in a frame.
June 8th, 2019  
Sounds like fun, though!
June 9th, 2019  
Oh that's what I hear all the time, but at least they are making progress
June 9th, 2019  
Every time we want to move something around, it sets of chain reactions. When someone is used to working and lots of activity that way, it is hard to slow down the pace.
June 9th, 2019  
nice story-telling shots … hope you love it when you get all that stuff moved!!
June 10th, 2019  
Wow, that sure does look like a lot of work
June 10th, 2019  
While it might not be relaxing to women who always have something to do, for some men working with tools and building something is a nice change from sitting at a desk. And the best part of this project is the bonus of father/son time! Nice collage!
June 11th, 2019  
@randystreat The sliding puzzle is a great analogy for the past 2 months! LOL! I think the project would go quicker, if he'd just let Hunter build it! He really should be an engineer or something, because he loves solving problem and just has this innate ability to build things.
June 11th, 2019  
@kali66 That will be great, thanks!
June 11th, 2019  
@olivetreeann He's used to high stress and fast paced, but building this wall is stressing him out! LOL! He should have just hired someone to do it.
June 11th, 2019  
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