Bad day for someone. by illinilass

Bad day for someone.

Driving by our local hospital saw the helicopter on the pad. Patients are usually flown to one of the larger hospitals in Peoria. My brother had one of these rides, needed 5 heart valves replaced.
Heck of a way to get a helicopter ride. Hope he fared well after.
August 19th, 2024  
Hopefully the helicopter ride has allowed the patient to receive timely care for a full recovery.
August 19th, 2024  
Great capture!
August 19th, 2024  
He did for several years and a pacemaker. 92 when he passed.
He preferred water to planes, in the Merchant Marines, before being drafted into the Army.
August 19th, 2024  
Great capture though I do hope all turns out okay for those involved.
August 19th, 2024  
Always a bad sign when the rescue helicopter is spotted. Hope the patient survived.
August 19th, 2024  
Good story shot
August 19th, 2024  
Great story telling capture, I hope it ended well.
August 19th, 2024  
I can remember lying in hospital awaiting surgery and every time one of these landed, everyone in my ward said "that's us bumped down the list again!" Though clearly emergencies have to take priority.
August 19th, 2024  
Oh, dear, but maybe a lucky day too, hopefully!
August 19th, 2024  
Good capture
August 19th, 2024  
Beautiful to see but a bas sign. I hope whoever was picked up for an emergency is ok and well taken care of.
August 19th, 2024  
nice one
August 19th, 2024  
I'm not sure they would ever get me in a helicopter unless I was unconscious
August 19th, 2024  
In some ways a bad day for someone, but perhaps the helicopter ride saved their life. Air ambilances are such a great resource.

August 19th, 2024  
Great capture but I’m not sure I’d ever go in one - I might end up worse than I started! But it probably saved your brother’s life
August 19th, 2024  
Great capture
August 19th, 2024  
Great shot
August 19th, 2024  
I hope all went well for whoever it was....
August 19th, 2024  
Fortuitous to have the helicopter there perhaps…
August 19th, 2024  
It's amazing what the time these machines save help with a positive outcome. The reason they need the ride might not be good, but getting to help faster? Very good! Good catch.
August 20th, 2024  
Wonderful to get people the help they need quicker but very anxiety provoking for the medical teams
August 20th, 2024  
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