the only time you should look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure they have enough
version 1 of my get pushed challenge to do a shot like @northy issued by @summerfield. this is the color version. I do believe that her titles are just as clever as her shots so I tried with this one. two b&w versions in my other albums. all shots lit with cell phone flashlight only.
Hello Vickie @summerfield here is a color version in a series of three shots in the get pushed challenge you gave me to do a shot like @northy. let me know your thoughts.
@dmcoile@californialover thanks. I liked the slivers of light in this set up. the b&w of this one is my favorite I think but I thought some would like to see the color too!
Jackie, you should edit the original text (if you can) to take out the word RUST because maybe some people are confused about what the collage should be. It seems like there should be more entries. Time is such a good choice because there are so many ways people could go with it. I hope you get some more!
@kathyboyles thanks Kathy I didn't catch that when I copied and pasted the original wording for the challenge! I fixed it. I hope more come in too. there is still quite a bit of time ; )
@flygirl thanks Dee. I was happy with them all... @summerfield glad you approve : ) @lookinginward thanks for the comment. I do appreciate everyone stopping by and commenting and the favs!