Another busy day. Got the kids off to school. Then did an hour and a half's battle with EDF, our electricity supplier about their latest bill which is very wrong. Now, I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent, and having spent ten years doing British and American tax returns, I am not remotely scared of numbers, but I think it would have been quite difficult to have devised a more complicated billing system.
i had to take the poor old dog back to the vet as her limp is getting no better. She has been booked in for x rays tomorrow, which will mean a general anaesthetic. Poor thing. I must say, I am quite worried about her, not least because the past two vets she has seen have commented on the fact that she has quite a significant heart murmur, so they are going to have to be particularly careful with the anaesthetic.
Joey boy seems to be very slightly less lame today and I gave his foot a good old soak in epsom salts in hot water, using my, if I say so myself, very ingeneous sawn off wellie foot bath for him. He then had a new poultice put on and he and his friend Angus (Angus the donk, not Angus the boy) were, much to Angus' disgust, shut in their stable for the day to give him rest.
I took this photo just after putting the donks to bed and mucking out Angus and Joey Boy for the second time. The light this evening was lovely.
Early night tonight to make the most of four snore-free nights because Graham has gone off on his annual scuba diving trip to Malta.
These are my tools of the trade as well!
Well done and a FAV!