Once Bitten, Twice Shy by jbmahoney

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

In the lush, verdant heart of the jungle, where the air hums with unseen life and a thousand shades of green compete for attention, I embarked on an audacious endeavor. I was there to capture the lethal beauty of snakes for a calendar, a project that would bring me face-to-face with some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet.

I was no stranger to the danger it could bring. My lens had peered into the eyes of predators, my shutter clicked in the presence of the wild and untamed. But this venture was different. My subjects were not just wild, they were venomous, their beauty concealing a deadly threat.

Deep in the jungle, I found my subject, a viper, coiled like a living spring, its scales glistening in the dappled sunlight. Its eyes held a hypnotic allure, and its poised stillness spoke of a lethal grace. I lowered my camera, my finger hovering over the shutter, ready to capture this exquisite creature in all its deadly glory.

But in my quest for the perfect shot, I ventured too close. The viper, feeling threatened, struck out, its fangs sinking into my arm. A sharp pain seared through me, but I held my ground, my focus unwavering. I clicked the shutter before falling back, my camera capturing the viper recoiling from its strike.

The next few hours were a blur. I was rushed to a remote hospital nestled in the jungle, my arm throbbing with a pain that pulsed in time with my heartbeat. The doctors worked tirelessly, their faces etched with concern as they administered antivenom and painkillers. My survival hinged on a fortunate fact: very little venom had entered my bloodstream.

The jungle hospital became my home for the next ten days. The rudimentary facility, surrounded by the ceaseless chatter of the jungle, was a stark contrast to the sterile silence of city hospitals. But it was here, amidst the rustling leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures, that I convalesced.

As I lay in my hospital bed, the sounds of the jungle filling my ears, I had time to reflect. I realized that in my quest for the perfect shot, I had ignored a fundamental rule: never get too close to your subjects. My respect for the wild, for the creatures I photographed, deepened. I understood that their beauty did not give me the right to invade their space, to push the boundaries of their tolerance.

Finally, after ten grueling days, I was discharged from the hospital. My arm was still weak, but my spirit was stronger than ever. I returned to my project, my camera once again ready to capture the beauty of the snakes. But this time, I maintained a respectful distance, my experience serving as a stark reminder of the fine line between admiration and intrusion.

All said and done, my client was happy with the results and the calendar proved to be a successful product for them. And I was left with a scar for remembrance and a story to tell.

For reference, and to give you a feeling for how close I was, this was taken with a 10mm f1.2 lens.
What a title and thriller! I don't know what gave me more goosebumps, your awesome photo or your scary story. Those eyes are so piercing and mesmerizing! So glad that all went well so that you could tell it.
February 4th, 2024  
Great macro. The focus is impeccable!
February 4th, 2024  
Yikes - great close up
February 4th, 2024  
Incredible capture, and while I usually won't have time to read your accompanying narratives, I took the time for this one. Glad I did! What an experience and a lesson learned!
February 4th, 2024  
Oh my, what a story. Welcome to the 365.
February 4th, 2024  
OMG! Amazing macro. Glad you survived your experience.
February 4th, 2024  
Well, this will give me nightmares. But it is such a superb shot! Wow!!! Glad you were ok.
February 4th, 2024  
Your narrative and this photo are definitely the stuff of nightmares (for me anyway)! It's an outstanding capture, sorry you had to suffer such dire consequences to achieve it but happy you survived!
February 4th, 2024  
Fantastic story and Amazing capture!
February 4th, 2024  
Brilliant shot!
February 4th, 2024  
Amazing clarity !
February 4th, 2024  
What an incredible image and narrative.
February 4th, 2024  
A riveting image of this lethal character.
February 4th, 2024  
Definitely a photographer to the core, Making sure the shot is taken before worrying about anything else! Exquisite photo and compelling story
February 5th, 2024  
Great Title and brilliant storytelling & happy to hear you got to tell this story and rewarded with a great picture for memories sake. Definitely be the shy one next time as confidence was definitely proved here ;-) What a shot!!
February 5th, 2024  
This is awesome
February 6th, 2024  
Awesome picture 💕
February 6th, 2024  
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