Reflection on times gone by by joansmor

Reflection on times gone by

I know, I know enough already with the mills. But I love taking them. I have some 300 pictures I took at a cookout with my nieces family but haven't even downloaded. But hey a rare rainy day expected tomorrow (she said with tongue in cheek) so I can play and post a rare people shot. Either my nieces husband playing with a stuffed toy, of my grand nieces goofing off, the great grands lined up and being silly. Hope they look as good at normal size as they do in the review panel.
This is so tack sharp and beautifully composed!
May 28th, 2017  
@taffy It is three bracketed shots.
May 29th, 2017  
Bring them on!
May 29th, 2017  
Beautiful reflections.
May 29th, 2017  
Woo Hoo! We're Get Pushed partners this upcoming week. As long as we've both been doing Get Pushed, we've only been partnered a few times. I'm going to give you the push I had last week. Pick a setting on your camera that you don't normally use, and experiment with it. Have fun!
May 29th, 2017  
Great reflections and really sharp detail
May 29th, 2017  
terrific reflection :)
May 29th, 2017  
Love your processing here Joan and those reflections are pretty special.
May 29th, 2017  
@homeschoolmom Oh that sounds like fun. I need to look at review and see if there is something I haven't tried. Maybe I should set it on auto haven';t done that in ages. LOL just kidding.
May 29th, 2017  
This is beautiful, don't stop posting mill photos on my account, smile. I'm so envious of you for not using auto in ages. So impressed!
May 29th, 2017  
Stunning, fav :)
May 29th, 2017  
wonderfully composed, so clear and sharp,
May 29th, 2017  
Wonderful image, Joan! I also look forward to seeing all your assorted family!

Your note about "cool" weather came too late, as I'd packed 2 pair of shorts for enjoying sitting out in the sunshine... I bit unclear of the concept, I was!!! I'm not in Southern California anymore! (I do love it here, however!)
May 29th, 2017  
Great capture, the reflections are wonderful. I do not see any mills where I live so I am happy to see yours.
May 29th, 2017  
super reflections!
May 29th, 2017  
such lovely reflections. I like the way the trees lead into the rest of the shot.
May 29th, 2017  
Oh Joan - you know very well that this old mill is one of my favourites too... and you've really done it proud today.
May 30th, 2017  
@vignouse I suppose it is my Paimport.
May 30th, 2017  
We don't have any mills here, so post away.
May 30th, 2017  
A very strong image.. love the industry vs nature and the reflections of course. I might have cropped off the blue building on the left which pulls my eye away... the thrust of the image and its balance would not be affected too much. Fav
June 1st, 2017  
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