IR Not quite right... by joysabin

IR Not quite right...

Finally, I am update to date with the 52 week challenges. I went past the danger do not enter sign of the newest housing development in this area, which has been idle for 6+ months. A few of the roads for the subdivision have been put in so I have dry pavement to walk on. The view of the San Francisco Peaks will be a selling point, I'm sure. It is the train noise that would turn me away. The railroad is about 1/2 mile away and is very very busy, night and day.

My IR journey continues. I settled on pink trees since things these days are just not normal....
Very cool! I used to live across the street from some tracks which were used for freight trains. I actually miss the sound of the train coming through at night- the whistle was beautifully haunting then. You actually get quite used to the sound to where you almost don't hear it. Interesting processing outcomes!
March 22nd, 2020  
Play helps keep me sane....
March 22nd, 2020  
Great to see all the different takes. My fav is the pink trees.
March 22nd, 2020  
Interesting processing, each one has its beauty
March 22nd, 2020  
I really like the different images. I agree; it's a time for pink trees.
March 22nd, 2020  
I really love the drama of the last on on the right.
March 22nd, 2020  
Nice capture
March 23rd, 2020  
Nicely done. My favorite is the bottom left. Though all are eyecatching.
March 23rd, 2020  
Beautiful view. Guess if they can afford to buy in a dévelopment they can afford triple pane windows
March 23rd, 2020  
What an interesting set of variations. I often get that bright blue when the image is overexposed - it'n not one of my favourites but it does make good abstracts if you use the negative of the image. I think my favourite of these is the top right hand one with the subdued tones - it's all so personal though isn't it?
March 23rd, 2020  
very creative ...
March 23rd, 2020  
I like the top row best
March 23rd, 2020  
@jernst1779 Thanks for the fav, pink trees can be real easy with IR.

@angelikavr Thank you a great deal. I was unsettled about which edit to post and then my son says 'why not post all of them'.

@eudora Pink trees suits me better than pink hair :-)

@mzzhope Thank you a great deal, the midnight filter effect in color efex, I think...

@bubblequeen Thank you so much, the SF Peaks are just so gorgeous.

@mbrutus Thank you, the gentle pink was my first choice too but as you say, they all have their strengths.

@dustyloup I agree, the railroads were here first when this area was settled so I guess they 'rule'. I am not a fan :-(

@robz Isn't IR just a gas to play with? I do admit that there are times when I get most frustrated with the post processing. I like having this technique in my 'arsenal' it gives me a fall back for the weird and unusual.

@pdulis Thank you so much.

@lostphojo The top right has a hand tinted feel. Back in my film only days, I would hand tint some prints to play.
March 27th, 2020  
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