Robs Viola's... by julzmaioro

Robs Viola's...

Tonight my two older Sisters are setting off on an adventure ... They are heading to the Uk to do a tour around parts of Ireland and then catch up with some rallies in Stropshire and then a tour around the Southern part of England... My Eldest Sister Rob has given me the responsiblity of looking after her pot of Violas ... it will remain to be seen if they are still growing when they return ... but at the moment look pretty cute paired with my rustic little cottage..
They are beautiful, you'd better look after them well.
August 19th, 2017  
I hope they have a wonderful adventure and that the Violas hang in there for them! Love the little cottage.
August 19th, 2017  
I hope your sisters have a wonderful trip and that the weather is good for them. England is beautiful whatever the weather and all the rain is why it's so lush and green! That's what I tell myself! Lol! Hope the violas make it!
August 19th, 2017  
Sounds like a great trip. Keep trimming off the older Violas and they will last for ages.
August 19th, 2017  
@pamknowler I have more hope in the girls having a good time than the villas making it..
August 19th, 2017  
Love this shot. Hope your sisters have a great time
August 19th, 2017  
Beautiful shot.
August 19th, 2017  
August 19th, 2017  
A very nice image with the violas against your little cottage.
August 19th, 2017  
Lovely composition, light
August 19th, 2017  
Ooh responsibility! Keep dead heading that's the only advice I can give you! It's a beautiful plant & in the perfect place there. If sisters are around Lancashire there usually a bed or two up here! I know they willl have planned but offer is always here for anyone!
August 19th, 2017  
Such a pretty colour combination
August 19th, 2017  
So pretty
August 19th, 2017  
Love the violas and I really love your rustic little cottage.
August 19th, 2017  
May their travels be a thing of wonder. May your viola sitting be easy. Like the cabin a great deal.
August 20th, 2017  
Beautiful combination of the flowers and the cottage. Clever composition. Fav
August 20th, 2017  
Hope they have wonderful weather and a fabulous time. Love this shot.
August 20th, 2017  
Wow, what a responsibility looking after somebody's pot plant while they are away. Not sure I would fancy that task. I would be sure to kill it off. Maybe check out where you can buy a replacement, just in case, ha ha.
August 20th, 2017  
They are beautiful but no pressure ;-) I'm with you! They look amazing paired with your rustic cottage :)
August 20th, 2017  
I hope they have a great trip. A big responsibility, someone's plant. I am terrible with plants, I would be worried I would kill it, haha.
August 20th, 2017  
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