Homemade chicken and rice soup by kaylynn2150

Homemade chicken and rice soup

It’s what’s for lunch…
Looks delicious...
July 1st, 2021  
maybe think about tagging for the breakfast, lunch and dinner challenge - bld3? https://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/45215/3rd-breakfast,-lunch-and-dinner-challenge!-join-in-the-fun!
July 1st, 2021  
I love a good chicken soup, this looks delicious.
July 1st, 2021  
Yum, I love soups.
July 1st, 2021  
Nothing quite like homemade.
July 1st, 2021  
Looks wonderful
July 1st, 2021  
@jernst1779 thanks didn’t know about it
July 2nd, 2021  
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