Maxine's fur rather matches the bark of this Angophora. It's a secondary food tree, but she is rather fond of this one. Thank you for the many thoughtful comments on my photos, much appreciated.
@vignouse totally correct Richard :) these are wild koalas living in the wild. I own a property that is in a natural koala corridor and am regenerating the native habitat and I study and document the koalas on my property as part of my regeneration activities. I have a conservation agreement on the title of the property so it is protected forever and I apply for funding whenever possible to pay professionals to help with the regeneration works.
I do also work voluntarily with our local rescue and rehabilitation koala organisation Friends of the koala, so I learn a lot about them through directly caring for them and doing medical treatments with sick and injured koalas there.
And through this site I've learned heaps about photographing them!
@koalagardens You deserve a medal, bless you... we are lucky to have souls like you in the world who actually care in the only way that it counts - by acting and thereby making a difference.
thank you BUT I do it for me too - this is the only thing that brings any peace to my soul in the midst of the destruction in this world. I can't describe what it is like to frolic about in the natural habitat and observe wildlife. I must say it's something I've had since my earliest memories of life - I would always disappear at social functions even as a small child and be found on my own studying a ladybug or some other insect or reptile, or reading a book. I guess I never grew out of it ;)
Pity I have to work to pay for it all, I'd be out there all day otherwise!
I do also work voluntarily with our local rescue and rehabilitation koala organisation Friends of the koala, so I learn a lot about them through directly caring for them and doing medical treatments with sick and injured koalas there.
And through this site I've learned heaps about photographing them!
Pity I have to work to pay for it all, I'd be out there all day otherwise!