I'm so pleased you are all enjoying the joey season, it is over so fast I'm trying to make the most :) wonderful thoughtful questions at times, thank you for being part of my project
@jacqbb a quick time line for you -
pregnancy is 35 days, then a tiny pink barely formed joey is born and crawls up and into the pouch. Latches onto a teat and drinks milk for around 6 months. Begins to come out of the pouch and eat some leaf and continues to drink milk til around 10 months old.
Somewhere around 12 months or 2.5 - 3kg size, joey will become independent of mum. Once out of the pouch joey rides on mum's stomach or back as they gain enough strength to climb in the tree tops themselves.
@jacqbb this one came out of the pouch last month so is now 7 - 8 months old. So that means she will be independent of mum in another 4 months or so. They are 6 -7 months old when they come out of the pouch. Being in the pouch is not being pregnant, it's being a small baby that is drinking milk from mum but being carried in the pouch :)
pregnancy is 35 days, then a tiny pink barely formed joey is born and crawls up and into the pouch. Latches onto a teat and drinks milk for around 6 months. Begins to come out of the pouch and eat some leaf and continues to drink milk til around 10 months old.
Somewhere around 12 months or 2.5 - 3kg size, joey will become independent of mum. Once out of the pouch joey rides on mum's stomach or back as they gain enough strength to climb in the tree tops themselves.