Bouillabaisse by laroque


Somethings are obligatory for a tourist in Marseille, drinking Ricard on a café terrasse and eating bouillabaisse chief among them.

It's a fish soup, made with the ugliest small rock fish and flavored with saffron. This one had potato in it but no shellfish. It was served with grilled bread and a mustard aoili. No idea how authentique it was, but it was filling. The restaurant was a bit away from the main tourist areas and was mostly full of French people who had reserved, so a good sign. The bouillabaisse cost 34€, the glass of white wine 7€ and the starter 20€. No tips, this is France !

I enjoyed it, it was very spicy and filling. I should not have had a starter, though to be honest the starter of 'tartare de veau et huitres' (raw minced veal and oysters) was the highlight of the meal, like eating the sea !
Wow, that meal sounds very interesting. I love bouillabaisse and yours looks 'proper'! At Loch Fyne last week I was keen to have some oysters (LF oysters are reputed to be excellent) and paid a hefty price for 6 at the hotel. And I mean hefty. They were the most disappointing oysters I have ever eaten - and I told the restaurant staff, but I think they thought I was exaggerating. They had NO taste of the sea whatsoever. It was almost as if they had rinsed them in fresh water. However, my faith is restored in Scottish oysters, as hubby bought half a dozen at our local fish shop in Ballater for £10, shucked them himself, and they were beautiful.
June 9th, 2024  
Looks great, love the wide angle
June 9th, 2024  
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