At least they're trying by margonaut

At least they're trying

But my town is #1 for COVID19 cases in our county, which is #1 in the state. So yeah, it's a little scary here in Georgia.
It IS scary. I've been thinking about the people I know in Georgia, with so many businesses reopening. Our soldier got out of the Army and left Ft. Benning in December. I keep asking him how his Army friends are doing, but he doesn't share much (typical guy.) For now he is safely (?) here with us, as his school in California went to online learning. Stay safe!
May 5th, 2020  
@eudora Had to go out and deliver masks yesterday and couldn't believe the traffic! People are mostly being good about distancing, but there's just so much we don't know. I'd like to wait until there's a treatment before spending much time in public. Totally aware what a luxury it is to have a choice.
May 5th, 2020  
My county is second in the state and the county next to us is first (my son is living there now), so I know how you feel. I hardly ever leave the house except to go to the grocery store once every two weeks or so. Some places are good about distancing but others not so great. I’m a huge Target shopper but I won’t go anymore because people don’t keep their distance and there aren’t as many protections in place as there are in my grocery store.
May 8th, 2020  
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