Extremely Acanaceous by mcsiegle

Extremely Acanaceous

My get pushed challenge was texture in nature. Also..a belated used of the “A” word.
September 1st, 2024  
I think it’s a perfect illustration of the word. Those are some wicked looking spikes.
September 1st, 2024  
Perfect two for one.
September 1st, 2024  
ouchy! good one, Mary. aces!
September 2nd, 2024  
Wicked thorns and interesting textures. What is this plant?
September 2nd, 2024  
I am delighted to be paired with you once again, Mary!
Your challenge for the week is to participate in the nf-sooc-2024 challenge but I am adding to it.
You are to pretend that you have a roll of 24 film ... and that means only 24 shots for this week's get pushed. No looking at the back of your camera to see how it looks and then redoing the shot!! (you did not get to see how it looked when it was a film inside the camera after all!)
Choose your favourite (or more) to enter in the get pushed challenge at the end of the week.
You can, of course, use more shots for your regular photography - just use the roll of 24 for gp only.
Hope this works for you.
Let me know if you have any questions.
September 2nd, 2024  
@farmreporter Thanks. I actually have a film camera and several rolls of old film. But probably won’t have time to replace batteries, relearn how to use it and get film developed — so I’ll use my Digital camera or phone. We shall see…
September 3rd, 2024  
Lovely light and details.
September 3rd, 2024  
Oh, Mary!
I did not mean for you to actually use film ... just pretend that your digital camera is a film. PRETEND that you have a roll of 24 film and do the challenge!
September 3rd, 2024  
@farmreporter I knew what you meant. I just briefly thought it might be an opportunity to use up the film and see if it’s any good. I should just get rid of the camera. I’m unlikely to get much use from it. Apologies for not giving you a challenge yesterday. I meant to. I’ll do that rigjt now.
September 3rd, 2024  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @grammyn @wakelys @summerfield @randystreat Thank you, ladies. Kathy, it's a rose bush that is (according to a plant or tree person) diseased--something that causes it to grow some clumps of shoots close together. I really should get rid of it entirely. But everything is so overgrown with things with aspirations of becoming trees -- should have someone in to do more than take care of that one bush!
September 3rd, 2024  
Nice shot
September 3rd, 2024  
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