Wow - who've thought, six months and still going! (just!)
June was (mainly) a month of flowers and outdoor things for me, and I wanted something to celebrate six months and the fact that I can look at everything in a different way, and see the photograph waiting to be taken!
So humble clover in the grass (can't call it a lawn!) with a lovely poem. (View large to read!)
I've been a bit rubbish at commenting on your wonderful photos lately, but I have been looking. Will catch up with you all again very soon.....and thank you for continuing to look at mine and I appreciate every single comment! x
Goodbye June, roll on July!!
Have just noticed that because of the way the days fall through the year I'm not actually 50% complete until tomorrow! Doh!
@steampowered Thank you....looking forward to it!
@montse Merci!