Remote work by petaqui

Remote work

These days it's all the rage, having the office at home and working from a distance. As many say, I'm sure quite a few people will realize that there are things that can be done by video call instead of meeting.
Estos días es lo que está de moda, tener la oficina en casa y trabajar en la distancia. Como dicen muchos, estoy seguro de que bastantes personas se van a dar cuenta de que hay cosas que pueden hacerse por videollamada en vez de quedar.
nice capture
April 1st, 2020  
Like the concentration.
April 1st, 2020  
Marvelous, timely image! Ken thinks this sequestration is coung to change how businesses operate in the future... But you, do you have to go to work at the pharmacy? Stay healthy!!!
April 1st, 2020  
@pdulis thanks!
@quietpurplehaze she was focused :D
@Weezilou thank you! Yes, in my case I still go to work daily, can't replace my job with a computer :) Thanks!!!
April 2nd, 2020  
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