I've recently handed all my photo equipment to a repair centre (just for the regular maintenance after all adventures it's been through), so all I have now is my phone camera (which is a pure crap cause it's one of those unbreakable Chinese phones) and a 35-mm film camera pictures from which I cannot upload immediately for obvious reasons.
At the same time I'm getting a something like a maintenance myself. I stuck in Moscow for a few days, meeting friends and doing almost nothing. It's not like I forgot about all the hard choices I told you about, I guess I'm just getting ready for them. And looking for the possible opportunities to choose from. My another-great-adventure-hope blew out, so I'm still in the middle.
Meanwhile, today we got eco-contemporary-art-exhibition, which was... well, I don't want to talk about the «art» part, but it was hardly «eco». They have these huge banners with mottoes like «There's no planet B» or «Ecology is us», but almost nothing in this whole exhibition is related to those words. And if we didn't have our friend (responsible for some organizational tasks at the exhibition) accompanying us, we would hardly understand anything at all. Well, I guess I just shouldn't come to these contemporary art exhibitions anymore. They just seem too far from the real life to me.
And all this has nothing to do with I wanted to tell you about today. But, well... I guess this is more than enough for one post. I'm going to tell you the rest tomorrow.
I know the feeling of turning over cameras and lens for cleaning. First of all it’s expensive! And then it can take a day or so if I don’t make an appointment. Never any fun but a clean system is priceless!!