This is my neighbour's apple tree - I watched an article about how this year's weather extremes have significantly reduced the number of apples available to harvest - not in their garden!
So, does your neighbor share? I love the lighting just left of center...the sun shining right on that bunch of apples...isn't it beautiful...hint of red starting. Colorado's western slope is our apple region and peach region -- and now vineyards. We've been enjoying peaches but the apples aren't ready yet. We had such a horrid hot summer I don't know how that will impact apples...but the peaches have been lovely.
@shamrockinmom - Thank you for lovely comment and for sharing your life with me - I so love our chats @dalboy@gnilrets Thank you - I wasn't sure if this was a bit boring so I appreciate you both taking the time to comment
What a lot they got! Our two apple trees haven't produced much for the past two years, but they are pretty ancient. One of them is really only used as a support for the honeysuckle which is flowering for the second time at the moment, and to hang the bird feeders from.
@lellie Thanks for stopping by and for the follow :-) This tree had some serious pruning a few years ago - yours sounds really pretty I'll try to look through your pics soon - maybe I'll find a shot of it ?
@dalboy @gnilrets Thank you - I wasn't sure if this was a bit boring so I appreciate you both taking the time to comment