Haze's strangers: No.148: Ann & Peter by quietpurplehaze

Haze's strangers: No.148: Ann & Peter

At Woolbeding Gardens, trying to capture the full beauty of only the second William Pye water sculpture I have ever seen, I was becoming a bit frustrated. I was suddenly aware of a couple not too far from me and remarked what difficulty I was having.

He offered the advice to try a video which I did and the result was marginally better. We did have a little conversation before I introduced myself, mentioned my portrait project and wondered if they would participate. They immediately agreed although she said that she was never very relaxed having her photo taken.

A neutral back ground of a nearby hedge seemed apt and I asked them to stand in front of it and took a couple or so shots. It was obvious that she was not at all relaxed and I put my camera to my eye and was about to ask for a couple more shots when I saw that he was taking the initiative and, theatrically-speaking, Act 1, Scene 1 had suddenly become Act 1, Scene 2. Meet Ann and Peter.

We had a little chat to decide some information to include in the text to accompany the photo and I learnt that Ann and Peter live by the sea in Hampshire and that their garden backs on to a creek. Peter has a small catamaran which does not appeal at all to Ann who refers to it as 'two coffins tied together with a bit of string.' (I carried that round in my head, hopefully verbatim, for the rest of my visit).

Ann prefers a kayak because she feels safer at the level of the water and can dip her hands in the sea if she wants. I am no sailor and mentioned that the only boat I like to travel on is one which is large enough to transport cars as well as people.

Peter works as a programmer and Ann is in admin in the local GP surgery. They like gardening and visiting gardens. Bearing in mind Peter's original advice to me, I asked him if he is a photographer to which he replied that he takes photos but does not consider himself a photographer.

We went our separate ways and Ann took my card to be in contact for photos. Thank you Ann & Peter for a delightful portrait photo.
How lovely to meet the interesting people you introduce yourself to!!
July 15th, 2018  
what a great portrait and a fun meeting
July 15th, 2018  
A lovely portrait and story.
July 15th, 2018  
You are amazing Hazel, you seem to always have something interesting to tell. Lovely shot of this couple.
July 15th, 2018  
Good candid shot
July 15th, 2018  
A lovely portrait, nice to meet this interesting couple.
July 15th, 2018  
Awesome picture.
July 15th, 2018  
July 15th, 2018  
Great capture :)
July 15th, 2018  
Two for the price of one... and a kiss thrown in - excellent!
July 15th, 2018  
It's a different conversation taking a shot of 2 persons, especially as in this case, when one was reluctant. Worthwhile shot for all concerned.
July 15th, 2018  
Very good!
July 15th, 2018  
Well done
July 15th, 2018  
Always love your stranger photos and stories, Hazel! Well done! :)
July 15th, 2018  
A lovely portrait and story
July 15th, 2018  
very cute couple
July 15th, 2018  
Sweet capture!
July 15th, 2018  
Cute shot
July 16th, 2018  
lovely :)
July 16th, 2018  
A lovely capture nice to see the happy couple enjoying the gardens.
July 18th, 2018  
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