Squirrel Look by radiogirl

Squirrel Look

We have 3 squirrels running around every time the temperature rises, this little guy was keeping an eye on me as I was putting peanuts out him, what a cutie.

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate all your comments and favs on my photos.
Adorable shot. Love it.
March 10th, 2019  
Super capture
March 10th, 2019  
Love how he's looking straight at you! Great capture!
March 10th, 2019  
He’s a cutie for sure!
March 10th, 2019  
So adorable, a wonderful capture of this cutie. Fav
March 10th, 2019  
Terrific shot.
March 10th, 2019  
Love the way you caught the sun in it’s tale! Fav
March 10th, 2019  
Very cool
March 10th, 2019  
So cute
March 10th, 2019  
March 10th, 2019  
Great framing of that little face :)
March 10th, 2019  
This wee squirrel looks as if he is hiding something in his paws! fav
March 10th, 2019  
Terrific :)
March 10th, 2019  
So cute!
March 10th, 2019  
The sun's making rainbow colors in his fur!!
March 10th, 2019  
So cute
March 10th, 2019  
Love his tail - lovely capture
March 10th, 2019  
Peekaboo! He's adorable. Love the light on his tail.
March 11th, 2019  
He looks like he got a fright, his hair is standing on end, haha. Cute shot.
March 11th, 2019  
Fav. He looks like one of the comic movies - extremely cute.
March 11th, 2019  
Great capture!
March 17th, 2019  
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