Straw Hats by randystreat

Straw Hats

Get Pushed #511
My get-pushed partner gave me a challenge to photograph hats in the style of Trevor Carpenter. (See this link -
I looked at those photos and my biggest problem was to figure out which hats to use and figure out how to only have the hats in focus.
@farmreporter Here's my "hat" photo. Interesting site. Thank you for challenge.
May 14th, 2022  
Fabulous composition.
May 14th, 2022  
May 14th, 2022  
Well I think you nailed it girl! Terrific hats and wonderful DOF
May 15th, 2022  
I think you got it. Beautiful still life photo.
May 15th, 2022  
Pretty! I like the patterned plate in the background.
May 15th, 2022  
Very nice shot
May 15th, 2022  
well done, ticked all boxes.
May 15th, 2022  
This is fabulous Kathy
May 15th, 2022  
Well done, Kathy!! Love the still life and so glad you enjoyed the challenge.
May 15th, 2022  
Instant fav.
May 15th, 2022  
Nice capture and focus
May 15th, 2022  
Nice display of the nice heads
May 15th, 2022  
Hi Kathy, I would like you to enter the artist challenge I am hosting for your push this week , thanks
May 15th, 2022  
Great focus!
May 16th, 2022  
@homeschoolmom Thank you Lisa
@joemuli TY
@grammyn Thanks Katy.
@shutterbug49 Thank you Debbie.
@kwind Thanks so much.
@bkbinthecity Thank you Brian.
@pusspup Thanks for saying so Wylie.
@kjarn Thanks Kathy.
@farmreporter Thank you Wendy. Again, I enjoyed this challenge. @wakelys Thanks Sue.
@craftymeg Thank you Meg.
@pyrrhula Thanks Ferry.
@kali66 Looks interesting. Thank you for the challenge.
@thewatersphotos Thanks Gary.
May 16th, 2022  
Great still life shot.
May 16th, 2022  
Makes a great still life for sure!
May 16th, 2022  
Wonderfully composed
May 16th, 2022  
Excellent job- you always rise to these challenges and do them so well. This was a fav for me!
May 16th, 2022  
@haskar Thanks Hannah.
@brillomick Thank you Mickey.
@tosee Thanks Tom
@olivetreeann Thanks so much Ann.
May 17th, 2022  
Lovely still life
May 17th, 2022  
@ziggy77 Thanks Jo.
May 20th, 2022  
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