This little hummingbird waited on the branch of the bougainvillea for his turn at the birdbath. Usually the hummers buzz around in an attempt to get the bigger birds to move but this was a new tactic. A few seconds later, the hummer was perched on the edge of the fountain dunking its tail in the cool water. My second shot was just a blur.
@jyokota Interesting question because I've actually done some research to figure out why our fountain attracts so many birds. It wasn't exactly by design, mostly serendipity. Here's an article I found that might help: I think the key is a shallow water well, and something to move the water like a weak bubbler or mister. Also our fountain is 5' high so not too low to the ground.
@redy4et -- thx for link, I will go study it now. So do you have a bubbler or mister? I smiled at the idea of a 5' fountain because that's how tall I am and I wouldn't be able to fill it!