Exhausting by seacreature


... and exhausted by this almost 4 year old bundle of energy on this, my first day of school holidays. And I don't even have her car seat moved to my car yet to be able to take her out anywhere. So I had to find things to keep her busy at home all day. Painting seemed like a good plan, but before I knew it the paint was all mixed up and all over her hands while I disappeared for a moment to fetch water to rinse the paint brush in. I have no idea why I got a cup of water for rinsing. Maddy was having fun mixing up the colours. I cringe at the thought of putting a blue paintbrush into the pot of yellow paint. My creativity is stifled by a strong need to keep everything perfect and pristine but Maddy has no such inhibitions.
This is a great photo, showing a great start to some memorable holidays. She will cherish those "messy" moments her whole life.
July 2nd, 2024  
A wonderful capture and fabulous narrative, she looks so happy :-)
July 2nd, 2024  
@mona65 Thank you. Yes I think she will cherish these messy moments. We have a great bond and she seems to remember things I have done with her, or bought for her, more than I anticipated she would.
July 2nd, 2024  
@ludwigsdiana Thank you. Yes I think we had a happy day together
July 2nd, 2024  
Sweet portrait shot
July 2nd, 2024  
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