Last day of school holidays by seacreature

Last day of school holidays

My daughter and son-in-law were trying to paint a little piece of furniture in the garage today to make a little dressing table for Maddy out of an old unit from my bathroom, and of course Maddy wanted to help. So I offered her a basin of warm water instead which she quickly accepted. And asked if she could have grapes and naartjie to eat while she was in there. Tomorrow we are all up early in the morning to get ready for school which I think she is very much looking forward to.
Fun photo
July 7th, 2024  
school already!
July 7th, 2024  
Sweet shot 😊
July 8th, 2024  
Such a great shot of happy Maddy!
July 8th, 2024  
@jeremyccc @anniesue @narayani @ludwigsdiana Thank you. Yes it is "Pre School". They have loads of playtime, but also some structure and lessons. They choose books from the library to bring home for a week, and then have to tell teacher about the book when it is returned. They learn a whole lot of other basics like road safety as well. Maddy now puts the seat belt on her teddy, George, when he comes in the car with us, so he will be safe sitting next to her. Maddy loves going to school.
July 10th, 2024  
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