Today was a long day - didn't get back from work 'til late, and weather has been yuk, so got no shots in at all.
Then I had LWFS - Late Workers Food Syndrome - put some hours in, get back, family's eaten, have to cook your own, cos' they're all out. So, masterchef that I am, Beans On Toast it was, and I'd thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and photograh this culinary delight with minimal DOF!
@tina2013@steampowered Even though I'm a really old bloke I think it was probably my Dad too that got me calling them Skinheads on a Raft - he might have got that from the Army. Was never in the Services myself, though.
Loves the warms tones in this shot, the circular splash of blue really pulls it together.
Try grating a little cheese over the beans - delicious.