A story of love by stownsend

A story of love

I just finished reading this book and could hardly put it down. I have known Lynn, the author, for 30 years and was heartbroken when she told me that her husband had dementia. What she went through as his caregiver and how she struggled with the decisions on what to do to help him were heartbreaking to me. In this book she shares her love for him and what they both went through as he progressed with the disease.
I recommend this book whether you are seaching for answers in your own life or you want to read a good - and entertaining book. Lynn is a gifted writer and storyteller, and she has told this story with her heart.
So sad. Glad she was able to do something positive with the journey. My cousin is currently battling that with his mother and it is getting intense.
July 10th, 2023  
I guess when we get to our age most of us know someone with dementia. Thank you for the recommendation Suzie.
July 10th, 2023  
Dementia is sad for the patient and all who are involved with the care. Thanks for the recommendation.
July 10th, 2023  
I worked in dementia care for the last twenty years. My eldest brother has a diagnosis & I’m thinking that my other brother is heading the same way. Such a distressing disease, initially for the patient when they know something isn’t quite right & I think all the way through for the family.
July 10th, 2023  
@danette thank you so much for your comment. My heart goes out to your cousin and your whole family.
July 11th, 2023  
@carole_sandford I think it's very fortunate for your family that you have experience in caring for people with dementia. But I'm sorry it's become personal for you.
July 11th, 2023  
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