Don't Forget To Look Up by taiwandaily

Don't Forget To Look Up

Two days I ago wrote about how people put anything and everything outside of their homes almost like it's just another room of their house. Since then it's all I've been noticing and I've been fighting myself to not take a photo of it.

The weather has been pretty nice these past few days and that brought out another fun big city hobby...trying to find any place possible to hang your laundry to dry (it's very rare for people to have clothes dryers). I've seen it hanging out of windows, the edges of balconies, laying on tables, laying on cars, you name it, laying on the ground (yes on purpose) and dogs peeing on it, you name it, i've seen it.

However while looking around for the best picture for this, I noticed these window boxes nearby my house. I don't know what it is about them, maybe that in a city where everybody adds on more just to have more or store more, these seem added for the sole purpose of having flowers. I especially like the middle one which has two lower steps that seem like the only reason they could ever be there is for flowers.

It's a nice thing to see and breath of fresh air in a city where looking up isn't always a great idea. (many buildings have never had their outer walls cleaned and you can see a layer of filth running down the side of the walls). This was a nice reminder that I should spend less time looking at the "ugly" outside and more time searching out the bright spots.
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