Authentic Taiwanese Woman by taiwandaily

Authentic Taiwanese Woman

America has a lovely habit in it's media of having people from eastern asian countries play characters from other eastern asian countries. For example there might be a Japanese actress playing a chinese character. Or a Korean-American actress playing a Taiwanese character. Well there is an easy way to know when that person is a westerner or actually from Asia...the mustache.

While i can't speak completely for other east asian countries, I can say that in Taiwan every female has a mustache. For most you can't see it too clearly, while for a few it is quite prominent. However in Taiwan they do not pluck, shave, bleach, or wax their mustache.

Which is quite surprising as they pluck, shave, bleach, and wax everything other bit of hair on their body. In fact the two biggest cosmetic procedures in Taiwan are laser hair removal, and skin bleaching. But for some reason neither of these are done to the mustache.

Not only that, but when you ask about this, people always react as if it's disgusting to even consider doing something to their mustache. Which is quite fascinating considering that these are the same people who have their ummm...special area's hair lasered, but can't even dream of having their mustache touched. I'll have to do some digging to find out the cultural/historical reasoning for the sanctity of the mustache.

As for the picture, well as you know my friends are horrible people. They are not so considerate when you say "hey let me take a picture of your mustache so I can put it on the internet." But my dog was ready to oblige, and even puffed up her upper lip so you could better see her whiskers. So just imagine those whiskers on a Taiwanese lady, it's pretty much the same thing.
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