The Dental Mafia by taiwandaily

The Dental Mafia

Orthodontics is big business in Taiwan. A big reason for this is because a large majority of Taiwanese have a snaggletooth in which one or both of their canine teeth are up and over their other teeth. Put "snaggle tooth" into google image search and you will see a picture of some asian people with this kind of situation.

In any business where there is a lot of money to be made, there is a lot of shenanigans going on behind the scenes to gain control. Taiwan has a unique situation where if you go dental school, you can actually do dental work for which you were not trained in. To explain a bit better, in dental school there are three paths, dentistry, orthodontics, and oral surgery. However no matter which you specialized in, you can legally do the other two even though you received little or no training in them.

What this means in Taiwan is that most dentist also do orthodontic work, especially braces, even though they were never trained in it. They can also do oral surgery despite not being trained in that as well.

Needless to say this is very dangerous, however it is probably something that will never change. This is because apparently the dentist association is extremely scary. I don't know exactly what it is that they do, but i have seen popular orthodontist, and power politicians' faces become full of fear whenever I mention trying to change these rules or even getting this info out to the public better so that patients can make better decisions about their dental care.

I'm not sure exactly what it is they do, but with this post, perhaps I am soon to find out. If i am disappeared, than remember me as a hero.

As for the picture, you only get a boring shot of a retainer box. Again my friends have let me down as they don't seem willing to have pictures of their snaggletooth on the internet. I really do have terrible friends.
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