Tissue Town by taiwandaily

Tissue Town

Welcome to Taiwan, the country of tissues.

Here in this wondrous land, tissues are used for everything. They are used as napkins, as paper towels, used for cleaning and dusting, and perhaps most importantly they are used as toilet paper.

This is not to say that Taiwan doesn't have those other things, they do, just they are pretty recent, and not really used. if you go to any restaurant, tissues are mostly provided as napkins. When you go to bathrooms there will be tissues for you to use for your business.

One interesting note is that in the past the pipes in taiwan used to be and probably still are pretty bad, and the tissues were more like paper, so they were not allowed to be flushed. so after wiping, people threw their tissues into the trash can. needless to say this can make bathrooms have a special odor. Now a days most tissues say they are toilet safe, but many people still don't flush their tissues. In fact I have to actively request that my friends remember to flush their tissues, whenever they come to visit.

Because of their popularity, you can see that a wide variety of tissues are available. they come in all different sizes, softness, thickness, designs, etc. And this picture is only half of the aisle. there is a whole other section to the left. I also should have taken a picture of the small shelf that has paper towels and toilet paper on them, as a contrast.

Tissues are also a big tool used for advertising. Many people will stand on the corner and hand out little packets of tissues that have an advertisement on the outside wrapping of them. I must admit with my allergies, I am happy to take these free tissues.

So if you are planning a trip to Taiwan, make sure to go to the local supermarket and try out the large selection of tissues. Actually i must admit that strangely enough my "tastes" in tissues has changed over the years. Due to quality, price, quantity, durability, etc. Right now I use the purple ones on the left.

What's your favorite?
I never would have guessed tissues would be so popular! Great report!
March 7th, 2012  
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