There Is A Story Here... by taiwandaily

There Is A Story Here...

...I just don't know what it is. Interesting none the less, cause the side of the car is burnt, and the motorcycle's rear, and the side of the building. but the inside of the building is fine. Oh well, it's a good thing that I'm not a fire investigator.

What is most unique about this shot is that it made me realize that I've been in Taiwan for almost eight years now, and I've never seen a fire. Not only that, I've never seen a fire truck on it's way to a fire. Ambulance, sure. Police, a few times. But never a firetruck.

It's quite surprising too, since every home uses natural gas for their water heaters and cooking. Growing up with only electricity, I have this apparently unrealistic fear that at any moment any building can explode from the gas.

While firemen have the luxury of not needing to run into burning buildings, they do do other important things. They did save my dog one time. One day while I was out, she was able to open the door to the balcony, and then climb along the roofs of other nearby buildings until she got to a dead end, and then jumped off the roof onto the awning above a window four stories up. Apparently the fire department came and used their big ladder to get her down.

When I came back home and she wasn't there, I went around the neighborhood, and eventually pieced together what happened. Then went to the fire department to pick her up.

Wow, what a brat. She can't figure out how to do some laundry or mop the floor. But she can come up with an elaborate plan to get a free ride on a firetruck.
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