Off The Market by taiwandaily

Off The Market

At the end of last year I was watching a youtube video of a guy walking through this neighborhood. In that video you could see this home with a sign on it saying it's for sale. Well two months after that video was made I was there and it was already sold and being remodeled.

I have a picture of the inside, and maybe i'll put that up. It's pretty nicely done, they stripped out the kitchen to reduce it to just a sink and a small stove. I'm guessing this was done to be able to make the bathroom a bit larger. The small room is for storage, and the large room is a dining/living area. The back part of the main room has a bed and chest of drawers. wisely this area also has a extending divider so it can either be opened up to the living room or closed to be it's own small bedroom. And of course there is an AC unit in there.

As curious as I am with how they redid the inside, I'm more curious how they will do the outside. Unlike many others in the area, this has a very long front yard. it seems like if they wanted they could build two and three levels in front of the main part and have a rather large home. While it might not look doable, a few other homes in the area have done this with much less space.

One interesting note, is that this place seems to have been purchased by a foreigner. I could be wrong, but the items that were inside the home seemed like things only foreigners would have. Before you think of anything too absurd, one example is a football. I've never seen any Taiwanese in Taiwan ever use an American football.
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