Shameless Self Plug by taiwandaily

Shameless Self Plug

Today I will be talking about how great my Chinese ability is and how great my blog is. About a month or two back I wrote about how slippery the sidewalks are in Taipei and how this coupled with the cheap flip flops, leads to many people falling on their bums.

Well apparently word spread throughout the city from the zero Taiwanese people who read this blog and now in my neighborhood the sidewalks are getting replaced with new less slippery tiling.

Yay! Never say your actions don't matter kids! One person can make a difference! Especially if they make up their own reality in which their blog influences high levels of government. Hooray!

This change in the sidewalk comes just in time because i was just READING in the NEWSPAPER that right now is one of the two rainy seasons in Taiwan.

Did you catch that? I know it was a bit subtle, but I was saying that I was reading Taiwan's newspaper in CHINESE. Yep now my joy or reading everything I see when I'm out, has been replaced with an insufferable rage which sprouts from the frustration of trying to read newspaper articles. Honestly I have to block of some time before and after my reading in which I can't interact with any other human being or else my frustration will make me not a pleasant person to deal with.

But yes, they are redoing the sidewalks which is nice, because soon my beautiful new flip flops will loose their grip. However at the moment this is making life even more dangerous as it forces people to walk in the street. If you've ever seen Taipei traffic, you'd feel safer taking your changes on a slippery sidewalk.
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