Taiwan's 2 Dollar Bill by taiwandaily

Taiwan's 2 Dollar Bill

Speaking of 6 bucks...here we have Taiwan's 200 dollar bill, which is basically 6 usd. It having the number "2" on this bill is very fitting, as this bill its the equivalent of america's 2 dollar bill. What i mean is that it's very rare and not very practical.

For paper money, the amounts are...

100 = 3 bucks
500 = 15 bucks
1,000= 30 bucks

100's are everywhere, 500's are used sometimes, but 1,000's are everything. Because they are the largest bills, you have to carry a lot of them on you to pay for things. This is exacerbated by the fact that you pay for everything in cash, so when you buy something like a TV, computer, or even a car, you are walking with a huge wad of paper in your pocket.

Getting back to the 200, it is interesting that this bill that is rarely seen has CKS on it. Could that be the reason why? the 100 has SYS on it, as for the 500 and the 1,000....are you ready for this?

The 500 has a picture of a youth baseball team on it. While the 1,000 has a picture of elementary school kids looking at a globe. You may now commence scratching your head.

Actually now i've upset myself. I was trying to think which Taiwanese people should be commemorated on some money. I thought of quite a few amazing Taiwanese people who did so much for Taiwan and it's freedom, but even in the year 2000 (when this money was first put into circulation) the country's government was not in a place where this could even be considered. Ah well, perhaps things will change in the future when those kids on the 1,000 dollar bill grow up.
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