Street Gangs by taiwandaily

Street Gangs

There are just over 23 million people in Taiwan. I'd hazard a guess that there are also 23 million stray dogs in Taiwan. Ok that's an exaggeration, but there are a lot. It's almost commendable that these dogs are allowed to live and make the best lives for themselves that they can, but it's also quite dangerous. Not only has my dog been bitten, but I think every Taiwanese woman has a story about being bitten as a child.

To deal with the hard life on the streets, dogs do what most people do, they join gangs. Not so much in the city, but along the riverside and in the mountains there are many dog gangs. They can range from just a few dogs, to more than twenty.

They usually leave humans alone, but if you have a dog with you, you have to be a bit careful. On the long hiking trail near my home there are a few dog gangs. Most will just run away when my dog comes up, but one is quite aggressive. The picture above is the part of the trail just before reaching where that violent dog gang is. Once I get to this part, I need to pick up and carry my dog for a bit.

All this being said, gangs are what brought my dog and I together. When she was just a puppy living on the street, the local gangs would harass her, and one that she tried to join, didn't really let her (i guess she hadn't passed the initiation yet). I eventually got sick of seeing them bother her, so I let her join my gang.
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