I'm Naruto by taiwandaily

I'm Naruto

I'm a fan of superpowers, but unfortunately they are not a fan of me. Try as I might, i just can't teleport. One guilty pleasure of mine is watching the japanese cartoon "Naruto." It's not particularly good, but it's ninjas with superpowers, two of my favorite things. I say guilty pleasure cause the show seems like a punishment in the west. I once heard the English voice acting and it was terrible. Also in English he has an annoying catchphrase. ugh.

But it's also a guilty pleasure because whenever I watch it, it annoys other people. This is because I watch it at 2x speed, and the sound of fast Japanese talking seems to annoy people. Oh well, their Japanese isn't going to improve!

Regardless, none of this is really the point. The point is in that show he loves to eat ramen, to which I had some last week. Now I like neither noodles nor soup, so ramen seems like a combo dish of death, but I was willing to give it a try. In fact ever since I became a student, I've been eating more and and more foods i don't like, giving them second and some times third chances. I don't know what it is but there is just something about having a job that makes you want to make sure every meal you have is a guaranteed winner. But as a student, I'm ok having a meal that I end up disliking. Then I go home, study some more and a few hours later I can have something I like. Not a bad deal.
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