Buy Now by taiwandaily

Buy Now

My blog seems like it can be broken down into five different kinds of posts.

1. Yelling at myself for not following through with an idea I had, only to see somebody else become successful off of that idea.

2. Being annoyed with the traditional culture, governmental inadequacy, or social issues, which cause people to suffer from some pretty serious problems.

3. Some "strange" thing about Taiwan.

4. Some cool thing I did that I'm proud of, but is probably not interesting to anybody else.

5. Throwing a bone to fans of my dog with a story about her. (pun of course intended).

Today's entry will be about topic number 1. Whenever friends are talking about buying a house, or when people are moaning about the absurdly high real estate prices, I have a few canned responses. One of those being that I would like to just buy some land on a mountain and build my own home. Doing some cycling in the mountains recently and seeing the homes there, has shown me that this is really a good idea.

The above picture is of a plot of land near the bottom of one mountain. It's a very convenient area, near a market and a subway station. It's also at the start of a hiking trail I used to go on quite often. Every time I walked by I figured it would be worth at least finding out who owns this land and seeing what they would want for it.

Of course I never did, and I'm not the only one to have this idea. Recently I went back to this area and found that somebody had bought the land next to this, and built a few apartments there. Again, it's nice to see that my idea was in fact a good one, but also disheartening that I didn't go through with it myself.

Although the land above is still there, for now.....
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