The Swarm by taiwandaily

The Swarm

Every May the bug pictured above takes over Taiwan. In the evening, every light source, outside or inside, is surrounded by these little bugs. It's not so bad in Taipei, but back when I lived to the north of the city it was pretty terrible.

Up there they are like a black cloud in the air. You can't open your mouth when you go outside, and most people wear surgical masks, just so the bugs won't get in their mouth and nose.

Thankfully though, these bugs don't do anything, they don't bite, they don't make any noise, and they don't eat your food. Then when May is over, they are gone.

If anything it makes me think what god do bats pray to? Cause whoever/whatever it is, it works by providing bats with a huge buffet every May. Obviously bats know the only religion that actually pays out.
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