Form Of, A Student! by taiwandaily

Form Of, A Student!

Say what you will about the Taiwanese, they do have one great superpower. They can study all day long, everyday. They wake up, eat breakfast, and then begin studying, only for eating breaks, then go to bed at night. And they can do this every single day, for decades. It's extremely impressive.

Because of this, um...passion? for study, places to study are at a premium. A lot of people say they can't study at home, because they will get distracted and watch tv, which causes many people to go out to find a place to study. If they want to be cute, they will go to a coffee shop. If they are in junior high or high school, they will usually go with their friends to a fast food place. Yep you will see groups of kids studying together in a noisy McDonald's.

The prime study real estate though is the library. Most libraries are filled to the brim with people studying. Usually people will wake up super early just to get in line outside the library when it opens so they can be sure to get a seat. All of which makes the picture above an amazing find, the equivalent of seeing a unicorn. It's a small hidden library which in the middle of the day had lots of open seats. This is unheard of, and people would actually pay me good money to tell them where this place is.

So I guess this leads to yet another moral quandary. Do i help out people who are looking for a place to study, or do i allow the people who study here to keep this place all to themselves. Sigh...Spider-man's uncle was right.
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