Blame The Ones You See by taiwandaily

Blame The Ones You See

Taiwan has a very big stray dog problem. They also have a problem with people who basically have "outside dogs." These are usually people who live on the ground floor and just leave the door open and let their dog roam the streets as it wants and come back when it wants. Both these kinds of dogs cause problems as they pee and poop everywhere.

Walking the streets you will see lots of dog poop. 90% of which is caused by these stray or outside dogs. Most people who walk their dogs pick up their dog's poop. However the only people who get yelled at or given evil stares, are the ones who walk their dogs.

People who see poop on the ground or often get poop near their home, will yell at people walking their dogs. Instead of taking time to think it over and realize that it's the poop of dogs who have no owners or whose owners are never there, they take out their frustrations on the people they see with dogs. Not realizing that the ones they yell at are the ones who actually do pick up their dog's poop.

The picture above is of a both common and uncommon sight. Dog's of course enjoy peeing on tires, so quite a few people who park on the street will put up some wood or plastic plank in front of their tires to stop this from happening. This guy has gone the extra mile to write a sign with a picture. I give him credit for putting cursing into the English version, but he looses points for not putting it in the Chinese version. As mentioned before, cursing in Chinese actually carries a lot of weight. Sad to see him not stand by his convictions.

I'm guessing until he has the strength to curse in Chinese, dogs will continue to pee on his car. Those stray and outside dogs may not be able to read, but they can feel that he's not adamant enough. Despite his inclusion of a graphic.
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