What's America Like? by taiwandaily

What's America Like?

The longer I'm away from America, the more I wonder what America is like. Not the big things, as I follow the news very closely. Also for my career I keep up to date with business and teaching developments. And I of course try my best to keep up with the various forms of entertainment and technology, while trying to avoid the plethora of garbage out there.

So what I mean is I will wonder what the small things of life in America are like now. For example when I go to Costco I will always look at things and think about if they are popular in USA, or if they even sell those in USA Costcos. It might sound a bit boring but yes I spend a lot of time pondering what american supermarkets must be like now.

Today's picture is one example of something I wonder about. This "Move Free" is a pill for older people to take to help their joints heal. It's extremely popular in Taiwan, with almost every friend with whom I go to costco with, picking some up for their grandparents.

Considering I had never even heard of this before coming to Taiwan, I wonder if this is popular at in America. Or perhaps there are other brands which are much better and/or popular. Granted I could probably look this all up and get the answer. However that would mean I have nothing to think about while I'm walking the aisles of supermarkets in Taiwan. Which means all I could do is just stare at the rows and rows of scary foods that I don't eat. So if you will allow me, I'd like to keep my pleasant distraction.
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