Largehead Hairtail by taiwandaily

Largehead Hairtail

Living in a big modern city, it's easy to forget that so much of Taiwan's history revolves around fishing. This fishing continues today, but you don't really see it as much. Most of the common restaurants in the city sell the same one or two choices of fish that are actually imported because it's so much cheaper to get mass quantities of it.

It isn't until you are in a supermarket, that you see just how many different types of fish that are in the ocean around Taiwan. At these times I usually feel bad that I'm too impatient to cook, as there are lots of different fish i'd like to try at least once, and the cost seems pretty cheap.

The one above caught my eye today. It's called a "largehead hairtail." you can easily look it up on google to see better pictures of it. What caught my eye at first is that it's long, thin body makes it look like an eel, but then on closer inspection I saw it's vampire looking teeth which freaked me out.

When on late night runs I will sometimes go by the fish market where fishermen take their fish to sell to the local restaurants and markets. It's a very happening and exciting place, and I'm hoping to get a picture of it. But as I have to be there at around 4am, and it has to be towards the end of my run so I am not stopping my heart rate to get a picture.....the odds of me getting a picture aren't so high.
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