Penises by taiwandaily


Even after nearly a decade in Asia, it's funny how there are some things I'm still so ignorant about. Ways in which my own cultural bias make me think that something is true at home, so it must be true everywhere. I'm speaking specifically about circumcision.

Up until a few days ago, if you had asked me, I would have said that most Taiwanese men are circumcised, no doubt about it. I have never seen a Taiwanese penis, but just pulling from my own culture, I would think that all Taiwanese men are circumcised. It wasn't until I decided to look this up a few days that I found out that less than 20% of Taiwanese men are circumcised.

Granted I couldn't find actual specifics, but the largest number I found was "under 20%." going off of what I've heard, i'd say it's about 50/50. Granted what I've heard isn't much, cause I've only had this conversation three times. All three were at times when watching an american movie or tv show where a lady is surprised when she sees an uncircumcised penis. This usually leads to my friend asking me why people are circumcised (which is a very valid question), and then me asking my friend of the penises they have seen how many were cut and how many weren't. This is where the 50/50 number comes from. I'll let you decide for yourself if you feel my friends have seen hundreds of penises, or two.

I can tell you for sure, that hundreds of Taiwanese have seen my penis. Not in the way you are thinking though. Rather because almost every time there is somebody at the urinal next to me, they will look over to steal a glimpse. Now this could be some unwritten Taiwanese custom where you are supposed to take a look at your neighbor's penis as a way of saying hi, but i'm going to go with them just being curious what a foreigner's penis looks like. Perhaps they should hang paintings of naked foreigners in bathroom, so people can look at that and let me pee in peace.
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