Second Hand Bread by taiwandaily

Second Hand Bread

You know how if you go to a donut shop or a bakery right before closing, they will probably give you pretty big discount because whatever isn't sold will just be thrown out. Well what if there was a store which actually took all that thrown out bread and just sold it the next day?

That is what this bakery is. Basically they get the day old breads from a variety of bakeries and then sell them here for a discounted price. Yes this might not sound very appealing, and to be honest a lot of times the food is just nasty cause it's so old. But if you learn when to go and what breads to pick, you can get some pretty nice deals.

Generally I don't go here, because while the price is about half that as other bakeries, it's still not worth the heightened risk of getting something that is just too old. But it does have one nice feature. Since it gets bread from a variety of bakeries they sometimes will have some unique things. For example there might be a select few bakeries which have a certain pastry, and if i want them I have to go pretty far away to get them. But sometimes this shop may have their leftovers.

Still it's a bit hard to stomach when you go here and see them open a box like the one above that looks like the trash from another bakery, and then see them take out the decent ones and put it on the shelf. Well you know what they say about trash and treasure.
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