A group of young girls (Nipperettes?) start their training race.
There is now an ever increasing number of girls/ladies/females in the life saving clubs and they do the same duties and compete in the same disciplines as the boys/men/males. (I don't know what to say these days.)
These girls are obviously in an older age group than the boys I posted yesterday.
And I have just learned that the age of nippers is from 5 to 14. The nippers don't do any patrols but are just in it for the learning experience and the fun which is just as well in my opinion. Like how embarrassing would it be to be rescued by a 5yo. :-(
Glad you covered all bases to make sure you were politically correct!!! Beside that, great capture, wonderful girls/women/females and terrific surf :) As for being rescued by a 5 y/o, I 'd love to see that!!! fav