I guess it's one of the pictures where one might go "What?". Inside the hay house at the hay expo that opened today in Ludwigsburg. :) It was hard to photograph inside as the house is not too big and not much was fitting into the frame. But I liked how the hay took so many different colors depending on light and shade. Enjoy. I liked it more on black.
As always, I very much look to any kind of input, critique, reactions and comments. Thank you very much!
Thank you for your comments and favs on the straw house picture! We were back there today and it didn't look anything like this - rather grey and somber on an overcast day. So I am glad I caught it the day before while the sun was beaming in, making it all glow. Thank you for your time and reactions!
@seattlite @danette @dmcoile @monty147 @susie1205 @bob65 @karink @californialover @flowerfairyann @onewing @anneofyork @shutterbugger @lindacarol @btwebb @jw18 @888rachel @gamelee @bebecitosfotos @cynthiak @blackmutts