We met Colin on our visit to Burghley last month as he was riding his tricycle through the park. It was an unusual mode of transport as it had two front wheels and one at the back. He told us he had a stroke a few years ago and the tricycle was easier to ride than the usual set up and he had regained his strength using it daily. After a lot of research he found someone that imported them from abroad and was able to purchase his own.
Amazing mode of travel - but I cannot get my head around the two wheels at the front with only one at the back! but so good Colin was able to get this tricycle to aid his recovery!
I've never seen such a bicycle (I think of tricycles as having two wheels on the back). Good for Colin for arranging to get this one. This is a lovely story, Wendy, and this is a nice shot of Colin with the green all around him. A happy photo! Fav