Repurposed by bernicrumb


Visible from Rt 220 near the Avis, PA exit, this repurposed train station survived by becoming the local beer distributor. The tracks behind it are still in use, supporting various local manufacturing facilities, and my son who is train-mad, wanted to get a photo of the boxcar that was visible from the road to add to his collection of train car pictures when he knew we would be passing the station on our way to visit his paternal grandfather. I stayed in the car and realized that I'd not taken a photo yet that day, and used my cellphone camera to snag this.

It wasn't until I imported it to my computer and looked at it full screen that I realized there were reflections of the phone holder on the left side and a reflection of the writing on my husband's Air Force ball cap showing on the wall and windows of the building above and to the right of the ice coolers. :-)

At least I got one picture during that long drive across two states!
Sounds like a great spot
June 4th, 2024  
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